Rabu, 12 November 2008

River Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

River Catfish Profile

The river catfish may be overshadowed by its famed cousin, the Mekong giant catfish, which shares the same river system in Southeast Asia. But this less celebrated species is a remarkable fish in its own right and, at 5 feet (1.5 meters) and 99 pounds (45 kilograms), it has no apologies to make in the size department.

River catfish are known to inhabit Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. Every year they leave the lake and enter the Mekong River as part of their annual spawning cycle. Breeding begins at the onset of the region's rainy season (May-July).

These unique fish have the nickname "iridescent shark catfish," a seemingly ill-suited comparison for a toothless, freshwater fish. The nickname arises from its tendency to swim close to the surface, raising its dorsal fin above the water. As for iridescence, river catfish have no scales, but their delicate skin is covered with a protective layer of slime that gives them a shiny glow.

These fish are threatened with habitat fragmentation, industrial pollution, and overfishing. Many millions of people depend on the Mekong River for sustenance, and river catfish have long been targeted for their succulent meat.

They are extensively farmed along some sections of the river, such as in Thailand, where wild specimens have become quite rare.

National Geographic Emerging Explorer Zeb Hogan is attempting to learn more about these catfish by conducting a large-scale tagging and monitoring study. Since 2004, his team has tagged more than 3,000 river catfish in hopes of documenting their behavior and helping authorities to provide better protections.

Fast Facts

Type: Fish
Diet: Omnivore
Average lifespan in the wild: Unknown
Size: 5 ft (1.5 m)
Weight: Up to 99 lbs (45 kg)
Did you know? One in every four freshwater fish, and one in every ten of the world's fish, is a catfish.
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Illustration of the animal's relative size

Selasa, 11 November 2008

A Humorous Bow Hunting Story

A man and his friend were bow hunting elk in the Colorado mountains near Stoner Colorado. They rode their horse's from early morning until late evening. The high mountain terrain was very rough with tree's blown down and large boulders in the path. Their horse's had to step very carefully or chance breaking a leg.

With no sign of any elk the man told his friend that the elk must have all moved to the lower country. They decided to go down and try again the next day. The next morning the man and his friend decided to hunt closer to the town of Stoner.

They hunted most of the morning with no luck, the sky was clear and it was a beautiful day. As they got closer to the black top highway they saw a herd of cow elk. In the middle of the herd was the biggest bull elk you ever saw.

The hunter got down off of his horse and carefully drew his bow and took careful aim. Before he could release his arrow, his friend alerted him to a funeral procession passing on the highway below their stand.

The hunter slowly let off the pressure on his bow, took off his hat, bowed his head and closed his eyes in prayer. His friend was amazed. "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You are the kindest man I know." The hunter shrugged. "Yeah, well, I was married to her for 25 years."

Senin, 10 November 2008

Gita Gutawa - Tak Perlu Keliling Dunia Download lagu Gita Gutawa - Tak Perlu Keliling Dunia gratis hanya untuk review lagu.

Kapur putih yang pucat terasa penuh warna

Dan pelangi yang enggan datang pun berbinar

Kertas putih yang pudar tertulis seribu kata

Kan ku ungkap semua yang sedang ku rasa

Dengarkanlah kata hatiku

Bahwa ku ingin untuk tetap disini

Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia

Biarkan ku disini

Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia

Karna ku tak mau jauh darimu

Dunia boleh tertawa melihatku bahagia

Kembalikan tempat yang kau anggap tak biasa

Biarkanlah aku bernyanyi

Berlari berputar menari disini

Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia

Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia

karna kau disini

Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia

Kaulah segalanya bagiku

Oo~ Oo~ Oo~ Oo..

Ouwoo… aku keliling dunia

Kaulah segalanya bagikuu

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Panganten anyar

Ada temen mau kawin minta tolong di potoin, ya udah. Set up background dan lighting di studio. Make upodan busana dari sang calonmempelai. Jeprat jepret, ga terasa udah tiga jam. Berbagai posisi dan pose udah di coba. Ini beberapa sample saya tampilkan. Moga berkenan....

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

Hobi Fotografi

Hobi ini baru saya geluti sejak 5 tahun terakhir ini. Sebenarnya sudah ada keinginan sejak sma, cuma karena keterbatasan kemampuan ekonomi jadi cuma bisa jadi penikmat foto saja. Sebagai fotografer amatir, tentu ingin terus mengasah kemampuan fotografi. Pernah berkhayal bisa jadi fotografer sungguhan, tetapi tentu tidak bisa dicapai dalam waktu singkat. Pasti butuh waktu . Pernah beberapa kali meliput perkawinan beberapa teman. Ada yang gratis, ada pula yang dibayar. Lumayan lah buat nutupi ongkos cetak dan perawatan alat. Gear yang kupunya diantaranya 2 kamera Nikon d200 dan D70. beberapa lensa makro, dan lensa tele. mau lihat contohnya..silakan amati foto ini. Mau ada acara keluarga atau butuh fotografer berbiaya terjangkau dengan mutu bagus? silakan hubungi saya di latif70@gmail.com atau di 08111985099

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008


Mau tahu keluargaku? Ok, Instriku Yani, urang Bandung, anaku yang ke 1, Sarah Regina Larasati lahir di Bandung, 16 Agustus 2002, yang ke 2, Keisha Amelia Kirana, lahir 30 April 2004 di Cikarang, dan terakhir Natasha Padma Kinanti, lahir di Cikarang Januari 2006. Orang tuaku punya tujuh anak, dan aku 3. Tapi rasanya 3 aja udah repot amat, kebayang dulu ortu ku mengurus kami ber 7. Betapa repotnya. Jadi sayangi dan hormatilah orang tuamu kawan.

Visit Musi

Kebetulan dapat tugas ke Palembang dari 30 Juni sampai dengan 21 Juli 2008, lumayan juga bisa melihat lihat Palembang dan pernak perniknya. Melihat kebersihan kotanya, ini patut di contoh Jakarta atau bekasi. Kotanya sungguh bersih, saya lihat di jalanan hampir tidak ada sampah. Pantas saja bisa menyabet juara 1 Adipura. Sempat ke Jembatan Ampera yang terkenal itu, darisore sampaimenjelang tengah malam. Jembatan Ampera kelihatan Indah kala hari telah gelap, bagus sekali pemandanganannya. Bisa anda lihat di foto yang saya upload ini. Juga menyusuri sungai Musi sampai ke Pulau Kemarau ? (Maaf, lupa namanya Pulau Kemarau apa Pulai Tengkorak ya? ) Kita bisa lihat kelenteng dan Pagoda, bagus juga. Visit Musi 2008 kalau di media sepertinya wah banget, tapi setelah kita datang ke sana sama sekali tidak bisa ditemukan objek wisata apa yang bisa kita kunjungi, bagaimana cara mencapai tempat tsb, berapa harga tiket masuk apa yang bisa kita beli dll. Tak ada saya jumpai itu. Cuma satu yang mantap, empe empe...emang enak...saya sampai pesan beberapa paket untuk oleh oleh buat keluarga dan teman teman.....